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Image by Iewek Gnos
Gitit Gal cv

Graphic Design and Art






Date of Birth:

November 10, 1993

A Bit About Me

Ever since I can remember, I always looked for ways to show my creativity and share my dreams with everyone.

From drawing with pencils and markers to creating art with my computer, every media is valid for me.

Beside art, I also love to travel and use it for inspiration for everything I do. After spending 6 month traveling the united states to spending 8 month in south-east Asia, I have gathered many friend and inspirations.

After working in an Ad agency for 3 years and learning Concept design I have decided to become independent and bring all my knowledge and experience with me. 

Work Experience

2020- Current Day

2018  -  2021

2017  -  2018

Since 2021, I have started to work independently with individuals and businesses. 
My clients come from varied fields, such as: the culinary field, fashion, fitness, music, non-profit and advertisement.
Part of the services I offer are designs for social media, online advertising and print.  It is also includes solving different briefs and ideas for campaigns and projects.

Graphic Designer at Pela Ozen - Guerilla Marketing Ad agency. 

I worked both as a hire and Independently.

Part of the job was working under pressure, solving briefs and ideas and working with the different clients.

I was working with different kind of clients from different worlds like: fashion, culinary, culture, etc.

I have worked both alone and with a team in the studio,

Concept Design certificate  studies at IAC - Israeli Animation College 
I have study a professional course at Adobe programs.

A course about designing characters and environments.

Developing ideas and concepts and developing creative thinking.

Let's Get

  • What's app
  • Instagram art
  • Instagram designs
  • tiktok
  • Linkdin
  • Behance
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